Sunday, 10 October 2010

Chugging Along

I'm sure I've been busy, but when I sit down to think over what I've actually done this week, I'm not sure I could say.

Both stoles are moving along at a steady pace. I'd like the pace to be a little faster as I have so much I want to be getting on with, but I never seem to get the time. I'm still not sure I actually *like* the Raspberry Dream stole. The knit itself is quite good fun and I'm liking the opportunity to stretch my knitting skillz (l33t) with the k7tog, but I'm not sure I would actually wear it. Nor can I think of anyone I could gift it to. I'm still loving Muir though - it's so stretchy! This one is going to block out massive! Unfortunately as I only have a month to knit the Raspberry Dream stole (well, no one's going to come after me if I don't finish it by the end of October, but it's a month long KAL), that ones taking priority.

In other news, I have more facemask in my fridge than food. I also have facemask up my nose, but thats a whole other issue...

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